The Science of Love

In recent years, the science of love has begun to examine the phenomenon. Sigmund Freud, who is known as the father of modern psychoanalysis, argued that love should be a subject of scientific inquiry. Even though the idea of love is as old as time, it has been the subject of thousands of years of artistic treatment and creative writing. Early explorations into love attracted significant criticism, including U.S. Senator William Proxmire’s debunking of the research as a waste of taxpayer funds.


The word “love” has many definitions. In ancient languages, it denoted feelings of sexual attraction and affection towards another person. The same concept is true in the New Testament. It also signifies a sense of family, friendship, and God’s love for creation. Despite its complex definition, it is generally agreed that the word ‘love’ implies strong feelings of affection toward a certain person or thing. There are many forms of love, and each has its place in our lives.

Love has different meanings for different people. Romantic love is a relationship that emphasizes physical attraction and intimate intimacy. However, erotic lovers rarely commit to a relationship and are comfortable ending it if the other person wants to. In contrast, storge love is more mature and emphasizes similar interests, open affection, and trust. The most important thing to know about this type of love is that it is not the same as ‘eros’ love.

The two main forms of love are storge and erotic. The first is often called passionate love and involves intense feelings of longing, emotional distance, and game-playing. Advocates of erotic love rarely commit and are comfortable ending relationships at any time. The second is referred to as compassionate love. The latter is characterized by trust, affection, and commitment. A third form of love, unrequited love, is one in which the person does not return the feelings.

It is important to understand that love is subjective. Some people believe that love is a physical emotion and that it can be experienced as an emotional feeling. The other is a spiritual one. If you fall in the throes of chesed love, you may feel a deep desire for a chesed person. Similarly, chesed and agape are two different kinds of love, and they are not mutually exclusive. It is about the type of relationships between two people.

It is important to distinguish between lust and pragma. In pragma love, you and your partner tolerate each other’s differences. In this case, the relationship is considered pragma. When both partners are agape, they will have feelings of compassion for each other. Whether you are in a relationship with a pragma lover, the lust for agape will be mutual and unwavering.