Pure Strategies and Strategy Games


Pure Strategies and Strategy Games

A video game is typically a structured type of play, normally undertaken for fun or entertainment, and at times used as an educational tool as well. Video games are quite different from work, which can be carried out only for remuneration, and not for pure entertainment. They are developed by highly organized teams with a set goal in mind. Often they are created as a response to a current event such as the release of a new game by a major brand. The gaming industry is estimated to be worth $50 billion per year, with the majority of this coming from the PC market. This article will cover some of the basic concepts relating to video games, as well as the significance of their impact on society today.

A game is either a competitive game or a pure strategy game. In a competitive game the objective is to beat the other players score. For pure strategy games, the objective is to take the shortest route between two points on the screen, i.e. whoever reaches the point on the left of the player who is not visible or reaches the other side without bumping into anyone, i.e. the player’s partner, is the winner.

A common experience on the world of solitaire games is the solitary player. Solitaire is usually a boring game for the participant, as all that he/she has to do is to move the squares without looking at the others, in order to make as many pairs as possible. However, this pure strategy game offers a common experience, where the player can learn how to explore the world of the game. For example, when one participant moves her square closer to the others, she has to move that same square closer to the other player as well. As one player circles the other, the player is forced to circle back, thus making an entire series of combinations.

The world of solitaire allows a player to explore the game theory, with the understanding that there is no such thing as a single victory. This gives the player an opportunity to learn about probability and statistics, something that is very important for the designer of the game. For example, if the player finds out that her winning sequence is only fifty percent of the time, but that she usually wins over fifty percent of her game, she will definitely have a better understanding of her probability and statistics. For the designer, the game theory teaches him/her how to balance the rewards of the game with the probability, making the game more balanced and enjoyable for everyone.

Another common experience that can be had when into the world of solitaire is when playing with other players. One player may ask another player to do something, which requires cooperation from both players in order to pass the request. However, if that same player agrees to the request, then the request cannot be passed. If this happens constantly, then the game results into a deadlock; one player cannot move on to the next round, because there is no way for the other players to do so. This also hampers the flow of game play and tends to frustrate players, who are not happy with the game results.

Solitaire is a game of perfect information, where all the cards are laid out on the table, and any of the players can take any card that he/she wants. There is no hidden information or tricks, as in a game of two-dimensional chess where you have to think on your moves, or guess at what the other person is going to do. In solitaire, each player has complete information and can act accordingly. Therefore, there is no need for perfect strategies or guesswork in this game. A player must simply and carefully consider his/her moves, to win. Thus, we can conclude that pure strategies are irrelevant in solitaire games and depend solely on pure action.