How to Get Out of the Rut of Feeling Stuck


Whether it’s a ship stuck in the mud, a car stuck in traffic, or a person’s foot getting caught in a trap-the feeling of being stuck can be a debilitating one. Unlike an object that is physically stuck, such as a car’s wheels spinning in the mud or a foot stuck in a trap, being emotionally or mentally stuck can be caused by choices and state of mind. Luckily, there are ways to get out of the rut of feeling stuck and take back your agency.

Having thoughts that get “stuck” in your head is common. The term stuck describes an unwanted or repetitive thought, concept, mental image, song, or melody that plays in your mind over and over. These thoughts, also known as earworms, can come and go occasionally or occur frequently, or persist indefinitely. These thoughts can cause anxiety and other symptoms, such as hyperstimulation or a general state of agitation or tension.

Feeling stuck in a professional situation can be incredibly frustrating for employees. It’s important for managers to understand how to help employees overcome these feelings.

A common reason people feel stuck is due to an unresolved emotional trauma from childhood or early adulthood. Melissa Lapides, a licensed marriage and family therapist, psychotherapist, and trauma specialist, explains that unresolved emotional wounds can make you “feel like your stuck in time.” This means that unprocessed and trapped emotions from earlier parts of life are now dominating your behavior in adulthood.

Another common reason for feeling stuck is a loss of purpose or meaning. This can be a result of poor mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, or simply not having clear goals for the future. Having a deep sense of purpose can serve as a compass for your life and help you remove roadblocks.

The final way that people can feel stuck is when they are not achieving their potential. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including poor health or habits, mental and physical limitations, or a lack of support systems. It’s important to work through these issues so that you can feel your fullest potential.

If you are unable to pass stool for 4 days or have sudden liquid diarrhea, it may be a sign of fecal impaction. Depending on the severity, you may need medical treatment. A doctor can determine the root cause of your bowel problem and help you prevent future incidents. In addition, being more active and eating a high-fiber diet can help prevent constipation, which is a common cause of poop getting stuck halfway out the anal canal.