Feeling Stuck? Here’s How to Get Unstuck


Stuck describes a feeling of being unable to progress, move forward or even break through a barrier. It can occur when you are trying to do something difficult and get stuck on a problem or if you are feeling a lack of motivation or direction in your life. Feeling stuck can also be a result of depression, which is a very serious mental health condition that causes severe multidimensional suffering that affects physical, social and emotional aspects of one’s life. If you’re struggling to overcome a feeling of being stuck, consulting with a mental health provider may be the most hope-giving and helpful thing you can do.

The word stuck is related to the verb stick, which means to remain fastened or fastened in place. This can be a physical state, such as a foot getting stuck in the mud, or an emotional state, like being stuck in a dead-end job or unfulfilling relationship. It can be a frustrating or embarrassing feeling, but it’s important to recognize when you’re stuck and figure out how to get unstuck.

In video games, the phrase stuck fast is used when a space marine can’t open a door despite kicking it hard. This is meant to imply that the door is nailed shut and that it would take much more force than the marine could muster to open the lock. It’s a way to dissuade the player from getting annoyed at the game for creating a challenge that seems impossible to overcome.

Many people become stuck in the same areas of their lives, such as a stagnant career or a toxic relationship. The feeling of being stuck can often be attributed to a lack of personal growth and a feeling that one has nothing more to learn. The good news is that there are many strategies to get unstuck from these types of situations, but it’s important to identify what the root cause is for your feeling stuck in the first place.

A feeling of being stuck can also be a sign of depression, which is often caused by the belief that one has reached the end of their journey in this world and has nothing more to contribute to it. Those who are struggling with depression can benefit from a variety of treatments, including psychotherapy and medication. Often, people who are struggling with depression are stuck in unhealthy thought patterns that can be changed through therapy and other therapeutic techniques.

Another strategy for dealing with a feeling of being stuck is to change your physiology. As Tony Robbins says, “Motion creates emotion.” By changing your physiology through things such as improving posture or going for a walk, you can foster positive emotions and break negative patterns that can reinforce the feeling of being stuck. It can be very difficult to get up and moving when you’re emotionally or mentally stuck, but by taking small steps, you can begin to regain momentum. Keep pushing through until you reach the breakthrough that is waiting on the other side.