How Dominoes Work

Dominoes are tiles whose ends display numbers from six down to none or blank. They are normally twice as long as they are wide, making them easy to re-stack after use. The values on either end, also known as the pips, can be used to form many different kinds of games. These include blocking and scoring games, where one player tries to stop the opponent from making a certain kind of play; and trick-taking games that were once popular in places with religious proscriptions against playing cards.

Lily Hevesh started creating mind-blowing domino setups as a child, and now she creates displays for movies, TV shows, and events—including an album launch for Katy Perry. She has worked on team projects involving 300,000 dominoes, and she helped set the record for the most dominoes toppled in a circular arrangement: 76,017. Her largest installations take several nail-biting minutes to fall.

Hevesh starts each project by considering the theme or purpose she wants to convey with her layout. Then she brainstorms images or words she might want to use and plans out how to arrange the dominoes. She may build a grid that forms pictures or walls, or she might set up 3-D structures like towers or pyramids.

She divides her fractions to determine how many dominoes she needs for a project, and she uses a ruler to draw her designs on the surface she’ll be using. She omits a few dominoes here and there—until she has the precise layout she wants. That way, if she or a teammate accidentally knocks over a portion of the installation, it won’t bring the entire arrangement crashing down.

As each domino is placed on the table, its potential energy converts to kinetic energy, and some of that kinetic energy is transmitted to the next domino. If that domino is a double, for example, the second tile will add its own double’s worth of potential energy, which helps to push it over as well. The process continues, from domino to domino, until the last one falls.

The game can be played with two or more players and is normally scored in a variety of ways. Typically, the losing players count all of the pips on the end tiles that remain in their hands at the end of a hand or a game and compare them to the winning players’ total number of pips. In some cases, the winning players count only the number of pips on the ending tiles that are not a double (e.g., a count of five at one end and three at the other results in a score of nine).

The simplest scoring method is to simply subtract the value of a single domino from the sum of the total pips on the end tiles left in each player’s hands. This scoring method is sometimes called “taking the pips” or “counting the pips.” Some games also have rules that vary from the simplest version of this rule, such as counting only one end of a double and adding that to the total of the other players’ scores.

How to Write an Essay on Love

Love is an intense emotion and a complex blend of feelings. It can be a powerful force that motivates actions, but it can also cause great pain and sorrow. A variety of perspectives can be expressed in an essay on love, from the deep affection a person feels for their pets or country to the passion of romantic love. The writing process for an essay on love involves brainstorming, outlining, drafting and revising to ensure that your readers can follow your thoughts and experiences.

The concept of love has been debated in many cultures. Some philosophers say that it is not an emotion at all, while others argue that it has a profound biological component and is necessary for human survival. Regardless of its characterization, love is one of the most significant aspects of human existence and has been explored by writers from Jane Austen to Oscar Wilde.

In the most common usage of the word, “love” refers to a feeling of affection or admiration for another person. It can be for a family member, friend, spouse or even a stranger. In some cases, the term is used to describe a desire for sexual pleasure. Other people use the term to refer to a sense of benevolence and compassion for others.

While it is difficult to define, it is important to understand that love is a complex concept. It can be a strong attachment or emotion that makes us feel good about ourselves and the world around us. It can also be a feeling of jealousy or possessiveness that leads to negative emotions such as anger and depression.

It is a common belief that love is an emotion that comes in different forms: lust, attraction and attachment. Scientists have studied each of these components and have found that they have a basis in evolutionary biology. For example, lust encourages sexual reproduction, attraction encourages selection of healthy mates and attachment facilitates familial bonding.

For example, children often show their love for their parents by caring for them and making their lives pleasant and comfortable. They may even sacrifice their own wants and desires for the benefit of their parents. This is a form of selfless love. It is also possible to love someone even when they have negative characteristics. A parent or a friend who remains committed to a person with a destructive pattern of behavior is showing selfless love for that individual.

Love is a universal and deeply emotional experience. It can be felt for a friend, a family member or a lover. It is a powerful force that keeps the members of a family together in harmony and joy. It is also the force that binds siblings together and makes them happy. It is also the love that enables a husband and wife to stay together in marriage.