What Is the Difference Between a Crush and Love?

Crush is an infatuation with someone that makes you feel excited and nervous at the same time. You might daydream about your crush and imagine yourself with them doing romantic things, like holding hands or kissing. Having a crush can also make you feel nervous and anxious when they are around, and you might feel like you want to hug them all the time. It is normal to have a crush on someone, but it can cause problems in your relationship if you do not keep it under control.

When you crush on someone, it can feel like your heart is going to explode and that you can’t breathe. It is a very intense feeling that causes you to act in an uncharacteristic way. For example, you might talk about your crush all the time, flirt with them, and tease them. This can make your partner uncomfortable, especially if you tell them too much information about your feelings before they are ready for it. It is important to let your partner know about your crush if you are in a relationship, but only if you think they will be okay with it.

What Is the Difference Between a Crush and Love?

There are a few characteristics that differentiate a crush from a more serious romantic engagement, New York City-based therapist Dr. Bukky Kolawole told INSIDER. Crushes are rooted in fantasy because you have little information about your crush and tend to project your own values onto them. For instance, you might crush on a barista who always remembers your drink order and assume that they have similar values to your own. This differs from love, which is based on experience and the sense of a connection with the person.

One difference between a crush and love is that you don’t usually fall in love with someone you have never met before. However, both crushes and love cause the same mood-boosting hormones to be released in your brain. This includes oxytocin and dopamine, Stephanie Cacioppo, an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience at the University of Chicago, told INSIDER. This is why both feelings can be so exciting and intense.

It is possible to have a crush on someone even when you are in a relationship. It is a natural part of human nature to find other people attractive, but it becomes an issue when you start to act on these feelings and end your current relationship. It is important to be honest with your partner about these feelings and to maintain boundaries so that the two of you can remain happy.

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