What Is a Game?


A game is a system of artificial conflict defined by rules that results in a quantifiable outcome (either winning or losing). Games are playthings for the mind. Some games are simple, like football or Monopoly, while others may require massive investments of time and money, such as professional basketball or Ms. Pacman. Games are usually played for the enjoyment of it, but can also be used for entertainment, exercise, or training in specific skills.

While departments of computer science have been studying the technical aspects of video games for years, theories that examine them as an artistic medium are relatively new. Two of the most visible schools of this emerging field are ludology and narratology, which focus on how games communicate meaning through gameplay.

Unlike other forms of entertainment, which generally require no interaction with the viewer, video games offer the player the ability to interact with the virtual world on a very deep level. This interaction can take the form of a simple button press or, with more advanced hardware, of a full-body immersion in an interactive storyworld. This form of interactive entertainment is often described as a “cyberdrama” by narratologists.

In addition to their visual components, most video games have a soundtrack, audio accompaniment, and sometimes other types of feedback mechanisms that can be triggered by the player. This feedback can include sound effects that are related to the player’s actions, music based on the setting of the game, and even vibration or haptic feedback from the controller to simulate physical sensations within the game world.

The most important aspect of a game is the decision-making process that the player is presented with. A game’s rules are designed to limit the player’s choices, but each choice still presents the player with a distinct set of options. As a result, each player’s taste in games ultimately boils down to their preferences for decisions presented in particular ways.

The term game is also used for activities other than playing, such as competitive sports or betting on sporting events. The word’s etymology is unclear, but it is likely related to fun, jest, or sport. Fun suggests laughter or gaiety and jest implies a lack of earnestness. The related term play suggests mischievous or playful action, such as teasing or hoaxing. In addition to these meanings, the word game is used in casual conversation to describe a situation that might elicit amusement or laughter.