The Physiology of Crushes


Whether you’ve got a crush on your neighbor, co-worker, or the model who has caught your eye in the latest magazine, the emotions that come with it can be hard to shake. But a good crush doesn’t have to ruin your life; it can be an experience that helps you get to know yourself better.

Crushes are a normal part of human development, with 93% of adolescents reporting at least one crush in their lifetime (Bruce & Sanders, 2001). The attraction to others is considered a developmental task in which young people are learning intimacy skills that may eventually lead to romantic relationships (Lee & O’Sullivan, 2018). In the context of relationship maintenance, the attraction to potential partners also appears to be a trait that is stable and unchanging throughout life, consistent with developmental task theories.

The Physiology of Crushes

When you’re feeling a crush, your body is sending out signals that you are in danger, which means your nervous system is on high alert and sending out a variety of hormones to protect you. These include a rapid heart rate, increased blood flow to the face and arms, and dilated pupils.

These hormones are triggered by the sympathetic nervous system, which is activated by the fight-or-flight response. This response triggers a number of physiological changes throughout the body, including increased blood flow to the brain, an increase in pulse rate, a slight fever, and pale skin.

The best thing about having a crush is that it can put you in a positive frame of mind and raise your self-esteem. It can help you overcome a low point in your life, and it can be the inspiration that leads to a new chapter of your life.

In addition, having a crush can help you become more open to other types of relationships. It can make you a more adventurous person and give you more opportunities to meet interesting people, says Hoffman.

There are several things that you can do to help your crush feel more open to you: Flirt and talk about your feelings, make them feel special and unique, ask them for a date outside of your usual shared setting, or just put your feelings out there and see what happens.

If your crush is a co-worker or neighbor, it’s important to be cautious about how you communicate your feelings. That’s because if you’re in a committed relationship, it’s possible that your crush could be affecting the other person’s behavior and attitude.

To avoid this, make sure you are communicating directly with the person that you have a crush on and don’t try to get in the other person’s way. You can also take your crush out on a date and just enjoy the experience, so long as you have your partner’s approval.

The only problem with having a crush is that it can affect your mental health and can even be detrimental to your physical health, which is why it’s important to be careful about how you approach it. You don’t want to end up with some kind of health problem due to your obsession with your crush, or else you’ll be left feeling guilty and disappointed.