The Functions of Love


Love is a complex emotion. It’s an amalgam of many different emotions and behaviors. Some research suggests that love is an evolutionary drive that helps humans survive. However, others contend that love is a cultural phenomenon.

Historically, love has been a subject of interest to philosophers. Scientists have investigated its role in human cognition, behavior, and health. In the last two decades, scientific study of love has expanded significantly. Various theories have been proposed, but the most popular model of love involves two main drives: a physical and a psychological component.

Love is often associated with feelings of attraction and warmth. For most humans, the first love experience is experienced at a young age. Then, the relationship typically develops over time. While new love can be exciting, it also has its ups and downs. Eventually, the intensity of the passion will diminish and it will likely transition into a different kind of love.

One of the most important functions of love is to keep people connected. When people are in love, they tend to do anything they can to maintain the bond. This includes seeking out help, and working to overcome hardships. They may want to commit to one another, start a family, or move in together. Similarly, they might want to improve their careers and lives.

Another major function of love is to provide affection. There are a few synonyms for affection, including philia (the Greek word for “love”), bhakti (the Sanskrit word for devotion), and storge (the French word for “soul”). These all refer to the enduring affection of a person for a particular person.

The color wheel theory of love defines three primary love styles. These include: passionate, platonic, and storge. Each style is based on a different set of emotions. Passionate love is characterized by intense feelings of longing and idealization of the other person. Although these feelings are often accompanied by physical intimacy, they are not always reciprocated.

The Eros style of love is described as a type of romantic love. It is based on a deeper set of feelings, such as intimacy, trust, and sexual attraction. A love like this can quickly devolve into something much less healthy.

One of the most interesting things about love is how it can be defined in various ways. It can be a complex emotion, a culturally indoctrinated belief, or an abstract concept. Regardless of its many components, the most accurate description of love is hard to come by.

According to the American Psychological Association, love is “a multi-faceted, complicated emotion. It includes feelings of sexual attraction, protectiveness, arousal, and ecstasy. Love is a complex emotion influenced by hormones, pheromones, and neurotrophins. Often a combination of both, it is an expression of narcissism.

Other aspects of love are often associated with religious or spiritual significance. Agape, for example, is an ancient Greek word that means “God is love” or “the charity of the Creator.” As a result, it is considered the most important of all love categories.