Stuck? Here’s What to Do

When you feel stuck, it feels like you’re frozen in place. You know what you should do to move forward, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t get yourself moving. This is a common feeling for people who are trying to make big changes in their lives. It can be a frustrating experience, but there is something important to remember about feeling stuck: it’s a portal between the old and the new.

You may be stuck in a job that doesn’t stimulate you anymore or a relationship that has grown stale. Perhaps you’ve been working toward a goal for a long time and now it no longer feels attainable. Or, you could be in the middle of a project that is taking a lot more time than you thought it would and you’re now dreading it. Regardless of why you’re feeling stuck, it’s an opportunity for you to evaluate your situation and consider what’s really important to you.

Often times, when you’re stuck it’s because you’ve lost sight of your vision. If you’re stuck in a job that you hate or in a relationship that doesn’t bring you joy, it can be hard to get motivated to change. However, you must remind yourself that these feelings are temporary. If you’re able to regain your perspective, the sense of being stuck will eventually subside and you’ll be on your way to living the life you deserve.

One of the best ways to reframe your thoughts is to change your physiology. This can be as simple as repositioning your body or going for a walk to change your mood. When you have great physiology, it’s easy to move into the positive emotions that will help you break through the feeling of being stuck.

Another common reason you may be stuck is that you’re overanalyzing the situation. This can be a trap for people who are naturally analytical and detail-oriented, but it doesn’t necessarily lead to action. Unless you’re working on a fire, it’s not useful to spend time thinking about why the building is on fire; instead, you should focus on the three choices available to you right now and pick one.

Stuck is a natural part of the human condition, and it can happen in many different aspects of your life. You can’t be in motion and stuck at the same time, so remember to take steps to get back into action by changing your physiology, setting goals, and reexamining what matters most to you. With practice, you can move through these periods of stuckness with grace and ease—and ultimately live the life you were made for.