How to Get Unstuck


Whether you’re feeling stuck in a job, relationship or life in general, it’s an uncomfortable place to be. Getting unstuck requires identifying the root causes and strategies to manage them. Often, feeling stuck is a result of emotional and mental health conditions, like depression or anxiety. Other factors may be a lack of sleep or unhelpful coping mechanisms, such as self-limiting and self-sabotaging behaviors.

Having a sense of purpose is essential to personal happiness. However, many people struggle to find it. When this happens, you can start to feel stuck in a rut, unable to break out of it. In this case, it’s a good idea to look for some deeper meaning in your life and create a new direction for yourself.

In addition, trauma can cause people to get stuck in their lives because of a change in how they think or react to situations. This can happen after a single event, or it can be the result of repeated events, such as child abuse or a toxic workplace. Either way, it’s important to know that every person responds differently to trauma. What may have triggered a traumatic response in one person will not impact another, even if they’ve been through a similar experience.

Another reason why people get stuck is that they’re not living in line with their true values or passions. Having a clear definition of your values and principles can help you get unstuck by creating a roadmap for your life. You can also get unstuck by removing roadblocks that are keeping you from moving forward, such as low energy, stress or fear of failure.

Lastly, you can get unstuck by putting yourself first and committing to something difficult. This can be as simple as recommitting to your workout routine, making time for self-care or taking a risk in your career. It’s also helpful to connect with other people who are going through similar challenges, and to get support from them.

A common strategy for getting unstuck is to start with a “why” question, but this can actually be counterproductive. Instead of asking why, try starting with a “what’s a next smallest step” question. Then, take that small step and repeat it until you’ve achieved a little momentum.

Humans are hardwired to prefer comfort, so getting unstuck can be challenging. However, the alternative—no challenge or uncertain results—can be worse than being stuck in an uncomfortable place. If you want to get unstuck, it’s crucial to commit to a path that will bring you joy and satisfaction. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck in a rut forever.