Getting Past Stuck Points


The noun stuck means “fixed or frozen, not able to move.” In general, stuck refers to an object that is unable to move or stay put. This may be anything from a jar lid to a car in traffic. It may also refer to a person who is indecisive about something. The word stuck is derived from the Old English word stician, which means “to penetrate, remain fixed.”

Oftentimes, stuck points can prevent a person from moving forward in their life. For example, a child whose parents have recently died may get stuck on their parents’ death. For such a person, memories and thoughts can lead to feelings of distress and frustration, creating an endless loop of negative thoughts. Some people become so overwhelmed by their feelings that they fail to address the thought that caused them to feel so badly. In addition, stuck points can negatively affect an individual’s sense of safety, self-esteem, and power. Having rigid beliefs about a subject can make it difficult to connect with others and develop relationships.

Getting through a stuck point requires patience and persistence. It also requires courage to face your emotions. Ultimately, it is important to remember that each person’s stuck points are different and may be difficult to resolve. Fortunately, there are many effective methods to help people break free from such feelings. By taking the time to reflect on your thoughts and emotions, you will be able to develop more cognitive flexibility and move forward.

First, set a re-evaluation date for yourself. Until then, focus on the present issues and make sure to take care of your health. Once you’ve set a date for your re-evaluation, it’s important to consider the next smallest step in the process. It’s often the hardest step, but it’s important to make the first step in any project.