Feeling Stuck? Here’s How to Get Un-Stuck

If you are stuck, you are prevented from moving forward or progressing. It can be due to several factors, including but not limited to: feeling overwhelmed, being unable to process past traumas or wounds, lack of motivation, self-esteem and confidence issues, fear, feeling like you are outgrowing your current situation, and more.

Being stuck is an anxiety symptom and can come and go rarely, occur frequently, or persist indefinitely. Anxiety symptoms may be mild, moderate, or severe and can be triggered by certain stimuli. It is also important to note that anxiety can cause fatigue which can impact brain function and increase the likelihood of stuck thoughts.

You may feel stuck in your job, relationships, finances, or health. It can be hard to know what to do or how to cope with these feelings. The best first step is to be honest about what you are struggling with and reach out to your support system. They will help you navigate the process of getting un-stuck and moving on to a healthier, happier place.

People get stuck because they perseverate or fixate on an idea or behavior past the point where it makes sense or will change anything. They don’t do this to be defiant or stubborn but because they have challenges with processing information, managing stress, shifting attention, and putting the brakes on particular thoughts and behaviors.

Many women who are told they need an intervention or c-section during labour have reported that their baby was stuck in the pelvis (called cephalic pelvic disproportion). Babies often get stuck in the pelvis because of the shape of the woman’s pelvis, a previous pelvic injury, or an abnormality.

It’s important to remember that babies do sometimes get stuck during labor, and that it is a very rare occurrence. If you are worried about yours getting stuck, talk to your midwife or doctor who will be able to help.