How to Get Unstuck When You’re Writing


Stuck is the feeling that your goals, dreams, and aspirations are not possible. It is an uncomfortable and frustrating place to be. But it is a normal part of life and there are strategies you can use to get unstuck.

You started your manuscript with such enthusiasm, and the scenes were flowing. You wrote 20 pages in one night! You were sure you’d be done with the whole thing within a month. But then you sat down to work on it again and nothing happened. Your fingers felt heavy, and your brain seemed blank. You clicked back a few chapters and read what you had written – it was awful!

It’s easy to get stuck when you’re writing. It happens to the best of writers. Whether it’s because you’ve been procrastinating or because your brain just feels “off” on that particular day, there are a few things you can try to get unstick yourself.

One is to try to rev up the right side of your brain by doing something creative. Meditating, grounding into your physical senses (like taking a walk or petting your dog), doing anything artsy (like doodling or humming) can all help to give your brain a kick-start and get you moving again.

Another is to look at your challenge from a different perspective. Hindsight often reveals that the difficult times in your life were actually gifts. Perhaps that toxic relationship was a blessing in disguise that led you to find your soulmate, or maybe losing your job served as the wake-up call to start your own business. It may be hard to see in the midst of the challenge, but try to think of ways that your current challenge is preparing you for even greater growth.

A third strategy is to push through the stuckness until you reach the breakthrough that you know is waiting for you on the other side. This can be hard to do, especially if you’ve been stuck for a long time, but it is worth it. The next level of success is on the other side of your fear – it just takes courage to push through it!

Jennifer Allwood is a passionate cheerleader of women who adds biblical truth to the modern day “dream big” mantra. She is the author of Fear Is Not the Boss of You and the host of The Jennifer Allwood Show. You can find out more at

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Unstuck is dedicated to helping people overcome their self-limiting beliefs and behaviors so they can live the life they were made for. Copyright 2018 by Unstuck.

What is a Crush?


A crush is one of the most euphoric feelings, but it’s also one of the most confusing. If you feel giddy when you see someone you like, or have an overwhelming urge to text them “I miss you,” it’s likely that you have a crush on them. The good news is that this is totally normal, and it can even be beneficial for your mental health. A crush can help you get in touch with your sexual and romantic desires, but it’s important to remember that it is not love.

According to therapist Dr. Bukky Kolawole, a New York City-based clinical psychologist, there are several characteristics that distinguish a crush from a more serious romantic engagement. Essentially, crushes tend to be rooted in fantasy, while love is based on the person’s actions and behaviors. For example, if you imagine your crush is kind and caring, it’s possible that you may be projecting those values onto them. However, when you begin to have shared, in-person experiences with your crush, you can back up those suppositions with real-life evidence. In addition, if you are crushed by a person, it is likely that you will experience emotional distance — you may feel sad or lonely when they are not around. In contrast, when you love a person, you feel bonded to them, and they will often make you happy.

While crushing is a normal, natural part of the human experience, it can also be difficult for people who are in relationships. In fact, a recent study by researchers at the University of California Berkeley found that people who are in committed relationships often find it difficult to express their feelings for their crushes because they fear it will jeopardize their monogamous relationship. “When you’re in a committed relationship and have a crush, it can take a lot of energy to sustain your emotions and feelings for this person,” Dr. Kolawole told INSIDER. “You have to go through the same euphoric highs and lows that you’d be going through with your primary partner.”

This article was originally published on June 30, 2018, on INSIDER.

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To read more stories about crush, click here.
Crush is an American soft drink company that makes and distributes carbonated beverages. It is currently owned by Keurig Dr Pepper and has been a staple of the United States soft drink market since the 1940s. Historically, Crush offered many different flavors of soda such as blue raspberry, chocolate, and banana. Its trademark orange soda is still a popular choice among consumers today.

In the 19th century, crushed meant to mash or bruise something. By 1870, it was common to use crush to describe a flirtatious or head-over-heels love feeling for a person. In fact, it was very common for men to have a crush on a woman they worked with or socialized with. In many cases, a man would try to entice his crush with a crafty glance or smooth line of conversation.

What Is a Game?


A game is any form of play undertaken for entertainment and fun, but especially a competitive one, played according to a set of rules and decided by skill, strength or luck. It may involve real-world activities like sports, board games, video games, or fantasy or imaginary play. It may also be work (professional players of spectator sports or games) or art (like jigsaw puzzles). The term may also refer to an activity that is analyzed formally by mathematical game theory.

The game industry has become huge and profitable, with revenues now exceeding Hollywood’s. Many new studios and student developers are trying to make their first hit, but the business is highly risky and success is not guaranteed.

Some games require specific tools to be used, for example miniatures, a ball, cards or a board with pieces. Some tools are common to a large area, such as chess pawns or Monopoly tokens, while others are more idiosyncratic. For example, some countries have unique standard decks of playing cards while other regions have a wide variety of games that use a particular type of ball.

Another important aspect of a game is the way in which it is interacted with. For example, hide-and-seek and tag don’t require any obvious tool other than the player and an environment. However, the interactivity of these games can be radically changed by changing the environment. Similarly, auto racing and track racing can be vastly different, even with the same cars and racers.

Many games are inefficient compared to the real world, as they impose rules and obstacles that prevent the player from achieving their goals through the most efficient means possible. These inefficiencies may be a result of the rules themselves, or they can be a deliberate design choice to create a certain feel.

The nature of a game is also often described by its rules, objectives and goals. For example, a game might be designed to achieve a particular learning goal, or it might be a competitive activity that is decided by the highest scorer.

A game’s rules are often defined by a game designer, or a team of designers. They must balance the goals of the game with its playability and accessibility. They must also ensure that the rules are clear and consistent, so that the game can be understood by all players.

Video games have become a global phenomenon, with billions of people playing them. This ubiquity has raised concerns about how playing these games can affect the wellbeing of humans, and has led to heated academic debates. However, most research into the effects of gaming on well-being has based its conclusions on self-reports of gaming behaviour. These reports are notoriously imprecise and inaccurate, which limits the validity of conclusions that can be drawn from such studies. It is therefore essential to develop more accurate methods for measuring objective gameplay. This could include using server logs to measure actual gameplay, or combining survey data with direct measurements of playing time on electronic devices.

How Do We Feel Love?


Love is one of the most common and powerful emotions in human life. It can make us feel euphoric and giddy, or can turn our world upside down. It may even cause our hearts to race and palms to sweat. It can be complicated, confusing, and difficult to define.

Many people think of “love” as a romantic love between two people, but love can also be a feeling for family members or close friends. It can even be a deep affection for an animal or a place. Some scientists see “love” as a complex biological process that triggers a range of cognitive and emotional states in the brain. Others view it as a social construct that can be defined by various cultural norms and expectations.

When we fall in love, key brain regions such as the ventral tegmental area flood with dopamine and adrenaline. This combination creates a surge of excitement and desire that is similar to what some people experience when they are on cocaine. It is no wonder that we are often irrational and impulsive when we’re in the early stages of falling in love!

As a relationship progresses, the giddy excitement of infatuation may transform into more stable and long-term feelings. The release of dopamine and adrenaline begins to slow down, and they are replaced by the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin. Oxytocin is commonly known as the “cuddle hormone,” and it helps promote bonding and attachment. Vasopressin is released during sex and childbirth, and it helps to regulate blood pressure and encourage bonding.

Studies show that those who are in love tend to be more generous, and they also enjoy spending money on their loved ones. They may also become more willing to try new things, such as foods or activities they didn’t previously like, just because their partner likes them. However, it is important to remember that happiness isn’t a permanent state and we shouldn’t expect to be happy all the time.

While it can be hard to define, most people believe that happiness is a combination of many different factors. For example, some of the top things that people say give them happiness include having a partner or spouse, health and well-being, a sense of purpose, and living in a country that is safe and secure. In addition, people often report that they are happiest when they are with their family and friends. They also find joy in doing activities such as playing sports, traveling, and having meaningful conversations.

How to Play Dominoes


Dominoes are flat, rectangular, and marked with an arrangement of dots or “pips” that resemble those on dice. The domino set also has a blank side that may be inscribed with an identifying mark or left blank. The number of pips on each domino face usually determines what game can be played with it. There are many different games to be played with a set of dominoes, and each has its own rules and scoring system.

Most dominoes are made of polymer, which is cheaper and durable than other materials. But there are also sets made of other natural substances, such as bone, silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell (mother of pearl), ivory, and dark hardwoods like ebony; ceramic clay; metals, such as brass or pewter; and even crystal. Such sets are generally more expensive and have a more elegant appearance.

Some dominoes have a metal pin, or spinner, in the center that is used to hold another domino in place while allowing it to be moved along a line of play. When a double domino is used in this way, the number of dots on each open end is cut off for scoring purposes; only the total score for the entire line of play is counted.

The number of dominoes a player has in his or her hand at the end of the round is the winner’s score. In teams, the winning team scores based on the number of multiples of five in its opponents’ hands.

When all the dominoes are set up on a table, a player can begin playing by putting down one bone or square of domino. This is called “setting” or “putting down” the first bone of a hand and is done in turn by each player.

If a domino has no open ends, it is said to be “sleeping.” Players cannot put down a sleeper during their turn unless there are already dominoes on the table that they can use to make a line of play. This is a rule to prevent dominoes from becoming too crowded and creating an unfavorable score for the next player.

Dominoes are sometimes used as parts of Rube Goldberg machines, and there are even competitive domino shows in which builders attempt to create complex effects or reactions using a series of dominoes set up in careful sequence. As with the set of chess pieces, dominoes have inertia and resist motion when there is no outside force pushing on them. But a single small nudge can cause the whole row to fall over. This is why dominoes are so popular to play. They are fun to set up, and they can tell a story or inspire the imagination.

How to Become a Better Poker Player


Poker is a card game in which players bet on the relative strength of their hands. The game involves bluffing, raising, and folding to build and defend a hand. The game has been played since the 16th century and is now an international phenomenon. Poker is a game of skill and chance that can be both frustrating and rewarding. It requires a great deal of self-control and dedication to be successful.

There are many different poker strategies, and every player has a unique approach to the game. Some players use written books to develop a strategy, while others prefer to analyze their own play and make adjustments. Whatever approach you choose, it is important to continually refine your strategy through detailed self-examination and frequent reviews of your results.

The first step to becoming a better poker player is to focus on the fundamentals of the game. This means avoiding tilt, balancing your aggression and finesse, and limiting your mistakes. Developing a solid understanding of probability and statistics will also help you improve your game.

A good poker strategy will include the use of a good bankroll management plan and the discipline to make smart decisions when necessary. It is also crucial to be aware of the optimal times to fold a hand. Often, amateur players will allow emotional factors, such as fear of missing out or the desire to prove their hand’s strength, to distract them from making the best decision. This can lead to costly calls and bad beats. By learning to make well-timed folds, you can maximize your profits and improve your overall game.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to play a hand simply because it has potential to improve. You must always balance out the pot odds and expected returns to determine whether it is worth trying for a draw.

Another mistake is to play a weak hand for too long. Typically, a weak hand is one that has a low kicker, such as K-K. By the time you get to the river, your opponent will have a much better kicker and will likely win.

Lastly, you should avoid making it obvious what you have in your hand. If your opponents know exactly what you have, they will be able to spot when you’re bluffing and won’t call your raises. By playing a balanced style, you will keep your opponents on their toes and improve your chances of winning.

Regardless of what strategy you follow, it is important to enjoy yourself while playing poker. The game is stressful and demanding, and you will perform best when you are happy and focused. If you begin to feel frustration or fatigue while playing poker, stop immediately and take a break. You will save yourself a lot of money by doing so! Then, when you return to the table, you will be more focused and prepared to play your best. Good luck!

How to Get Unstuck – 4 Tips to Get Unstuck


When we’re feeling stuck, it often feels like there’s no way out. But it is possible to get unstuck, reclaim your agency and change your perspective to see the world through a different lens. Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Get clear on what’s really going on.

Many times, our feelings of stuckness are caused by misunderstandings of what is actually happening in the situation at hand. Whether you’re stuck at work or in a relationship, the best thing you can do is take a step back and look at your situation objectively. It’s incredibly helpful to write down your thoughts and feelings about the situation, but don’t let that get in the way of getting clear on what is actually occurring.

2. Focus on what you can control.

When you’re feeling stuck, it can be easy to turn inward and start blaming other people for what’s not working out in your life. This can be a difficult habit to break, but remember that most of the time, you are in control of your own life. If you’re in a relationship, it might help to ask yourself why you want this particular relationship to work out and what the most important elements of that are.

3. Make a plan to move forward.

A big part of feeling stuck is a lack of future vision. When you’re feeling stuck, it can help to spend time journaling about goals you want to achieve in your personal and professional lives. It may also help to create a vision board or book yourself on a workshop or retreat that will allow you to explore your interests and generate excitement and energy for what is coming next.

4. Start with choice points, not why.

One of the most effective ways to move from feeling stuck to moving is to shift from asking why to naming three choices (or micro-yes’s) available right now. You can then choose which one will get you to the most forward momentum. This is very similar to the approach that is taken when someone is on fire—it’s much more effective to get them out of the building than it is to debate why the house is on fire. This is because insight doesn’t equal action, but moving does.

What Is a Game?


A game is a system of artificial conflict defined by rules that results in a quantifiable outcome (either winning or losing). Games are playthings for the mind. Some games are simple, like football or Monopoly, while others may require massive investments of time and money, such as professional basketball or Ms. Pacman. Games are usually played for the enjoyment of it, but can also be used for entertainment, exercise, or training in specific skills.

While departments of computer science have been studying the technical aspects of video games for years, theories that examine them as an artistic medium are relatively new. Two of the most visible schools of this emerging field are ludology and narratology, which focus on how games communicate meaning through gameplay.

Unlike other forms of entertainment, which generally require no interaction with the viewer, video games offer the player the ability to interact with the virtual world on a very deep level. This interaction can take the form of a simple button press or, with more advanced hardware, of a full-body immersion in an interactive storyworld. This form of interactive entertainment is often described as a “cyberdrama” by narratologists.

In addition to their visual components, most video games have a soundtrack, audio accompaniment, and sometimes other types of feedback mechanisms that can be triggered by the player. This feedback can include sound effects that are related to the player’s actions, music based on the setting of the game, and even vibration or haptic feedback from the controller to simulate physical sensations within the game world.

The most important aspect of a game is the decision-making process that the player is presented with. A game’s rules are designed to limit the player’s choices, but each choice still presents the player with a distinct set of options. As a result, each player’s taste in games ultimately boils down to their preferences for decisions presented in particular ways.

The term game is also used for activities other than playing, such as competitive sports or betting on sporting events. The word’s etymology is unclear, but it is likely related to fun, jest, or sport. Fun suggests laughter or gaiety and jest implies a lack of earnestness. The related term play suggests mischievous or playful action, such as teasing or hoaxing. In addition to these meanings, the word game is used in casual conversation to describe a situation that might elicit amusement or laughter.