How to Handle a Crush For Kids


When you’re crushing on someone, your heart beats faster, and your palms get sweaty. Seeing your crush gives you butterflies in the stomach, and talking to them makes you want to melt. Whether it’s the guy from chemistry or your neighbor, having a crush can feel magical. But it can also be scary and confusing, especially for kids.

According to experts, crush is a normal part of the human emotional process and can be experienced by people of all ages. A crush typically lasts a few days, weeks, or even months. During this time, you can’t stop thinking about your crush and fantasize about being with them. But a crush is not the same as falling in love. In fact, scientists believe that crushes can be beneficial and help us learn about relationships.

A crush is an intense but short-lived infatuation with someone: “I have a crush on my coworker,” or, “My crush’s name has been on my mind for the past week.” Crush can be a person, animal, or idea. A crush can make you smile, giggle, or blush. You might notice your heart beating faster, or find yourself writing their name in a journal or telling a friend about them.

While a crush and a romantic interest create similar biological reactions, they’re on different planes, psychologist Stephanie Cacioppo tells INSIDER. Crushes happen more quickly, and may feel like uncontrollable urges, while falling in love is a slower, more intentional experience. Both can trigger mood-boosting hormones, such as dopamine and oxytocin, which cause that butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling.

However, crushing can sometimes be difficult for kids to handle because it’s hard to separate the person you’re crushing on from their real-life self. Crushes can become obsessions, causing children to act differently around them. For example, some kids might tease their crush or chase them around the playground. This can make their crush feel uncomfortable, and it’s never OK to treat anyone with disrespect.

Other kids might act secretive, avoid talking to them, or keep their crushes to themselves. Regardless of how a child feels, it’s important to set healthy boundaries with their crush and to teach them about the importance of respecting others. In addition to learning about respect, it’s helpful for kids to develop a healthy sense of self. By doing so, they’ll be able to separate their crush from their own personal feelings and recognize that it’s OK to have a crush. Crush is an exciting rush of flavor and fun that everyone can enjoy. With Orange, Grape, Strawberry, Watermelon, Peach, Zero Sugar Orange and Grapefruit flavors to choose from, there’s sure to be a Crush that’s right for you. Find yours today!