Strictly attached or frozen in place, stuck is a very common word. It can describe anything from a jar lid to a car in traffic. It can also refer to a state of indecision. The verb stuck comes from the Old English word stician, which means to penetrate or fasten.
The first thing to do when you feel stuck is to reassess your situation. To start, set a date for yourself to evaluate the situation once again. Until then, work on your current issues. Try to identify the smallest step that will lead you to your goal. Doing this will remind you of how powerful you are.
Another common cause of stuckness is emotional or psychological distress. People who are in a state of grief or loss are often unable to cope with the thoughts and memories that are weighing them down. Oftentimes, they confuse distressing thoughts with distressing emotions and experience a downward spiral of negative thoughts. While many people seek out a quick fix to the emotional problem, these methods only serve to distract from the true issue. Instead, treat your stuck point as an opportunity to gain a better understanding of yourself and your feelings.
Another common source of stuck points is self-blame for a traumatic or chaotic event. While you cannot deny that the event happened, you can challenge your belief in it. This will help you think more flexibly and rationally. This will free your mind of distorted memories and allow you to see the world differently.