What is a Crush?


Crush is a feeling that comes from the inside and makes us want to be around the person we have a crush on. It is an infatuation that is usually short-lived, but it is very intense.

A crush is often considered to be a form of lust, but it can also be seen as love. Regardless of what the emotion is, it can be hard to control and sometimes leads to unhealthy behavior, such as cheating. It can be helpful to identify the emotions you are experiencing, and then learn how to cope with them in healthy ways.

The word crush is used to describe many things, from the feeling to the action of crushing something. A crush can be something physical, like the crush of bodies on a subway car, or it can be a psychological state, such as the crush of infatuation with someone.

Some people have crushes on more than one person, but most of the time, when a girl has a crush, it is on her best friend. Some people may feel nervous when they see their crush, while others might be excited or have butterflies. Crush can be a great way to get to know someone and it is often seen as an important part of the adolescent experience.

One encapsulating lay definition defines a crush as “a secret burning desire to be with someone that is very attractive and extremely special, with low or no chance of ever being a couple” (urban dictionary). It is similar to play flighting among juvenile animals, which is an unfulfilled attraction that does not result in mating but is instead just an enjoyable way to spend time with the person.

This type of feeling is common and usually harmless, but it can become problematic if the feelings are not acknowledged. Many people who have crushes are uncomfortable talking about them because they believe that it means that they do not really love the person. It is a healthy practice to learn how to talk about your crushes and how to make them real life relationships, not just fantasy ones.

Despite its inclusive cast and sunny cinematography, the film fails to deliver the kind of teen romance that audiences have come to expect from films like American Pie and Some Kind of Wonderful. A lack of any semblance of drama leaves the characters as cardboard cutouts, and even Blanchard and Cravalho’s chemistry feels flat. It’s a shame, because the actresses have great talent and deserve to work with better material. Families can discuss the movie by examining how it portrays same-sex teen romance. They can also compare it to other movies and TV shows about teen romance, such as Love, Simon and Sex Education and Heartstopper. It is important to teach young children the difference between a crush and a romantic relationship so that they do not develop unrealistic expectations about their own relationships. This will help them avoid unhealthy behaviors in the future.