What is a Crush?


Crush is a term used to describe a feeling of infatuation and attraction for someone else. It’s a feeling that can be exciting and nerve-wracking, depending on your circumstances. It can also be a painful experience, as it can lead to feelings of loneliness and confusion.

If you’ve been crushing on a person, it’s probably time to take action. This means noticing when you’re feeling the urge and talking to your friends about it, as they can help you figure out what’s going on.

Do you suddenly feel like you want to be with that person all the time? Do you want to talk about them a lot and show off what they’ve done? Do you find yourself directing conversations so that they’re about your crush or something they did recently?

When you have a crush, you’re more likely to be shy than usual. You might have a hard time talking to people around your crush, but you’ll always want to make sure they know how much you like them. You might even start putting your feelings out there more than usual, trying to impress them.

Having a crush can be hard, but it’s completely normal to feel this way, according to New York City-based therapist Dr. Bukky Kolawole.

A crush can be a fun and romantic experience, but it’s important to remember that it’s not the same thing as love. Crushes are rooted in fantasy and tend to happen when you don’t know much about a person but idealize what they look like or how they act, Kolawole told INSIDER.

The difference between a crush and love is that love involves a slower process of developing trust, getting to know the other person, and building a sense of reciprocity. However, both experiences produce similar biological reactions, such as a release of hormones, according to Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience assistant professor Stephanie Cacioppo.

If you have a crush, it’s a good idea to get help from a mental health professional. They can help you understand what’s happening and help you get through it.

You can also ask your crush to take you out on a date or hang out with you. This will help you get closer to them and figure out whether they have feelings for you or not, Kolawole said.

Do you notice that they’re making a lot of moves? Do they spend more time with you than they do with their friends or family? Do they seem to want you more than anyone else?

It’s not uncommon for a crush to last longer than a romance, but it’s best to avoid making rash decisions about how long the crush will last or if you should break up. This is especially true if you’re in a relationship and have already expressed your feelings to your partner, Kolawole explained.

The best way to handle a crush is to tell your partner about it and honor their boundaries, according to Psychiatry and Behavior Neuroscience assistant professor Stephanie Cacioppo. This will protect you from hurting their feelings, as well as their relationship.