How to Write a Convincing Essay on the Topic of Love

Love is a complex emotion that’s been the subject of many poems, songs, and essays. It’s also a central theme in many religions and cultures. As a result, it can be challenging to consistently define. But it isn’t just the variety of meanings that makes love so difficult to pin down—it’s also the variety of feelings and experiences involved. Love can be romantic, platonic, familial, spiritual, or sexual, and it can feel like anything from a warm fuzzy feeling to a hard-to-define desire for another person’s company to a deep attachment that isn’t easily satiated.

Many scientists and philosophers have tried to figure out what love is, and there are a lot of theories. Some see it as a combination of companionate love and passion, while others view it more as a biological drive, similar to the mammalian hunger and thirst drives. And still others think of it as an irrational emotion with highs and lows that can include the rush of passion and the despair of jealousy and longing.

Brain scans show that when we fall in love, the primary “reward” centers of the brain—including the ventral tegmental area and the caudate nucleus—light up and release a jumble of chemicals, including dopamine (pleasure), adrenaline (fight or flight), and norepinephrine (alertness). These can make us feel intensely attracted to someone and create the chemically induced euphoria of falling in love. In addition, the hormone oxytocin helps to promote bonding and the sense of closeness that can lead to a feeling of love.

Other researchers see love as a choice to stay committed to a partner even in challenging times. And some view love as a desire to help another person move away from unhealthy patterns of behavior and into healthier ones.

To write a convincing essay on the topic of love, you’ll need to immerse yourself in the subject. Aim to bring your reader into your story by describing the way your characters look at each other, touch each other, and talk. It’s also important to explore how your characters can still love each other despite their flaws and imperfections.

For example, the love of a parent for an adult child may be a deep and lasting commitment to that person, even when the person’s destructive habits are hard to tolerate. This kind of love requires sacrifice, selflessness, and faith that the person you are loving will eventually come to realize the value of a healthier lifestyle. This type of love is a beautiful, selfless act that can be hard to describe in words, but is easily recognized by those who experience it. You can find more ideas for how to write about love by reading and analyzing famous essays, such as those by Jane Austen or Oscar Wilde. You can also seek out couples therapy to improve your communication and emotional connection with your partner, if needed. The Inclusive Therapists database is a great place to start, as it allows you to search for therapists by modality, location, and fee.