How To Manage Stuck Places


How To Manage Stuck Places

The term stuck is frequently used if a certain action or a decision is taken which, while seemingly correct in all the relevant areas, is nevertheless “locked” in due to some factor(s) beyond your control. Stuck is also employed to describe an approach in which there is no realistic alternative, or possibility, to the problem being faced. In other words, the action cannot be overcome, but the “problem” remains.

A classic example is the “issors effect.” Take two scissors, each of which has an equal probability of cutting the other. When the scissors are stuck between the thumb and forefinger, the less likely scissors will eventually win, since it is easier for them to be cut by smaller, thinner blades. The problem in this example is not that the situation has a solution (ignoring how the scissors get stuck in the first place), but that there is an underlying problem with the choice of weaponry: either you use two relatively equal sized knives, or you use a larger knife with a longer blade.

Another popular example is that of waiting for the other shoe to drop. If you are planning a task, such as driving to work or shopping, and you realize that it will be a bad idea to do so, the stuckness problem can arise. You might perceive that waiting will allow time for the other shoe to drop. This could be true, but only if you believe that “time” itself is a solution, a “placebo” in disguise.

Waiting on someone is a bit more subtle. For this example, consider the following scenario. You are in a crowded supermarket waiting for the check-out person to hand over the change. If you are patient and persevere, you will eventually have enough change to pay for your purchase without having to run back and forth to the change room. Your patience will pay off.

When sticking, most people ignore their own feelings. However, our bodies are not immune to these feelings. In order to deal effectively with a stuck situation, you must first identify its root. It could be that you are expecting the other person to give up on you before you have sufficient change to pay for the entire store. Or, it could be that you are tense all the time because of the issue at hand. In both cases, proper attention and awareness is needed.

Once you have identified the problem, then it is time to find a solution. You can either resolve the issue yourself or ask for assistance. If the stuck person ends up blaming you, then it is best to just accept the blame and move on. Remember, this stuck person may have only been stuck for a matter of seconds. The root of the issue may not be easy to determine, but it can be dealt with. And once the issue is resolved, you may never be stuck again.