How to Handle a Crush


A crush is a common term for a romantic feeling. This kind of feeling usually occurs during childhood or early adolescence. It is also called puppy love, owing to its resemblance to the affection of a puppy. If you’re currently feeling this way, there are a few ways to deal with it.

The first step to handling a crush is being upfront and honest. You might feel like teasing or talking more to your crush, but you need to be careful to avoid making them uncomfortable. It’s understandable to feel nervous or excited when you’re around someone you’re fond of. However, it’s important not to take the bait and end up hurting your crush’s feelings or hurting your own.

Regardless of the cause, a crush can be a painful experience. It can be devastating to a person’s confidence and heart. Even the slightest bit of insecurity can crush dreams. If you’re the victim of a crush, there are things you can do to help them recover. For example, if you’re a man, make sure you protect yourself from bullies and haters.

Talking about your crush is another important step to take if you want to get to know them better. A crush can be very tricky, but make sure you tell your friends about it. Then, they can help you figure out how you feel. A best friend will be able to guide you through the confusing phase of crushes and help you learn more about the other person.