How to Get Unstuck When You Feel Stuck

When you are stuck, it can be difficult to get moving forward. However, there are a few tricks you can use to get yourself unstuck.

First, remember that feeling stuck is normal. It is often a sign of progress. You will inevitably hit a plateau when trying to tackle long-term goals. However, this doesn’t mean you should give up. Instead, push through until you reach the breakthrough you know is on the other side of your fear.

Next, look at the big picture. Often times, challenges in our personal and professional lives prepare us for something better. For example, if you are experiencing a breakup, this may be an opportunity to move on or find a new partner. Or, if you are fired from your job, this could be the catalyst to start your own business or take the reins of your own life. Think about past challenges in your life where hindsight revealed a hidden gift.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes, a friend or mentor can provide the perspective you need to see your situation differently and come up with creative solutions for how to get unstick yourself.

You can also try changing the way you define stuck. Instead of saying “I am stuck,” say, “I am uncomfortable, uncertain or unsure.” This will change your mindset and allow you to look for different solutions.

Another tactic to try is reworking your schedule and getting rid of activities that do not serve you or your goals. Research has shown that less really is more when it comes to happiness, and reducing your busyness can help you feel less stuck.

If you still feel stuck, you can always access a powerful state of being called “stillness.” By tapping into this place inside of you, you will be able to create space for yourself to figure out how to move forward. Oftentimes, feeling stuck is due to inner conflicts or fears that are holding you back from making changes that would light your heart up like the Griswold house at Christmas. This is where the inner work in Listen to Your Heart comes in handy, as you will be guided to identify your own inner conflicts and resolve them so that you can move forward with what matters most to you.

If you’re ready to break free of stuck, you can sign up for my newsletter where I share my best tips and tools to help you live your most fulfilling life. Also, if you’re interested in joining a community of people who are creating their own version of success, check out Team Tony and join our free Facebook group. We cultivate, curate and share Tony’s stories and core principles to help you achieve your ultimate potential. Thank you for reading! We love you. You can also follow Tony on Twitter and Instagram for daily motivation and encouragement.