How to Get Unstuck When You Feel Stuck


When you feel stuck, it can have a major impact on your quality of life. It may affect your relationships, your finances, and your health. The good news is that it’s a normal and natural part of the human experience to feel stuck from time to time. It can also be a sign of burnout, depression, or anxiety. Identifying where you’re feeling stuck is the first step to getting unstuck. Then, you can decide what steps to take.

You feel like you’re stuck in a job, career, relationship, or situation that you dislike. It’s likely that you can change this, but you aren’t willing to do it. Maybe you don’t know how to change it, or maybe the changes will be too big. In either case, you’re stalled and don’t have the motivation to move forward.

Your feelings of being stuck are rooted in a fear of being unworthy, not having enough money or resources, and a lack of self-confidence. This is a sign of an unhealthy and often debilitating emotional response to a trauma. Emotionally-focused therapy helps people become unstuck from the trauma that’s causing them to feel trapped by helping them develop more mature emotional responses and learn to rely less on unhealthy, child-like coping strategies.

You’re constantly comparing yourself to others, which causes you to feel that you don’t measure up. This can be a result of low self-esteem, depression, or anxiety. These conditions are also common, but they can be managed through therapy and other behavioral and cognitive techniques.

When you’re comparing yourself to others, you focus on what they have or do that you don’t have. This leads to feelings of being stuck in a rut, and it can cause you to miss out on experiences that are important for your growth and happiness.

Stuck thoughts (also known as earworms) are unwanted and repetitive thoughts, concepts, mental images, or melodies that seem to get stuck in your mind. They keep playing over and over again, no matter what you do. They’re like a squeaky hamster wheel that won’t stop.

This common symptom of anxiety is a direct result of stress, fatigue, and hyperstimulation. Reducing stress, eliminating anxiety, and ensuring you have enough rest can eliminate this symptom in the long run.

Having food stuck in your throat can be painful and uncomfortable, but it’s important to remember that you have control over the way you respond to this. If you continually cough or try to clear your throat, you’ll just irritate the lining of your esophagus. Instead, lubricate the esophagus with milk or water to make it easier for the food to pass through.

It’s also possible that you’re stuck in a rut because you haven’t set any goals for yourself or your family. A goal is a roadmap that helps you to plan your path ahead and stay on track toward your destination. Setting goals will help you get unstuck and give your day-to-day activities more meaning.