How to Get Unstuck

Feeling stuck can be a frustrating place to be. Whether you’re stuck in your career, relationships or your personal growth, there are steps you can take to break free.

Many of these steps involve reframes and changing your thoughts, which is where the feeling of being stuck originates in the first place. Negative self-talk is a big culprit, so it’s important to identify it when it appears. If you have a habit of catastrophizing, overly harsh self-criticism or having a case of the “shoulds,” reframe those negative thoughts to see how they are keeping you stuck.

It can also be helpful to have a support system, whether it’s a mentor, friend or coach who can help you get unstuck by challenging your thinking and encouraging you to take risks. This is especially useful if you’re dealing with mental health issues like depression or anxiety, as they can be additional barriers to getting unstuck.

Another way to get un-stuck is by adding new activities to your life, such as taking a class or volunteering. Research shows that this can increase happiness and boost your mood, so it’s worth considering if you are struggling with feeling stuck.

Some of these changes can be as simple as adding in a few minutes of meditation daily or journaling about what you want to change in your life. Other steps might include re-evaluating your priorities, putting down the phone or turning off the TV and just spending time in nature. You may find that you’re actually not as stuck as you think, but just need to refocus.

Sometimes feeling stuck is a natural part of the process of growing and learning, so it’s important to give yourself permission to be frustrated when you hit a wall or don’t make the progress you want. It’s important to know what you’re fighting for and to keep believing in your abilities, even if it feels like no one else believes in you right now.

If you’re still struggling to move forward, consider making an appointment with a therapist. A licensed professional can guide you through more in-depth strategies to overcome feelings of stuckness, including self-awareness and goal setting. They can also offer coping skills and strategies to manage the stress and anxiety that often accompany feelings of being stuck. By working together, you can develop a plan to move through these challenges and onto the next chapter of your life.