How to Get Unstuck


Feeling stuck is one of the most frustrating and emotionally draining experiences that you can experience. Whether you are in a job that no longer makes you happy or are struggling in a relationship, it can feel like there is nothing you can do to change the situation. Yet there are things you can do to get unstuck and take back control of your life. The first step is to be aware of your limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck. This means taking the time to be honest with yourself about what’s going on in your life, assessing if you are blaming others or holding onto past experiences that are draining you.

Then, it is important to find ways to break free of these limiting beliefs. This can be done by learning to trust your intuition, also known as your heart. You can access your heart by tuning into what feels good to you, listening to your body and paying attention to your emotions. This is the best way to identify what needs to be addressed and the next steps for you to move forward.

For example, if you are feeling stuck in your career, consider identifying what you value and defining what would be a true expression of your gifts to the world. This will help you find a sense of purpose and excitement that will keep you motivated to take action. If you are feeling stuck in a relationship, consider assessing if you are blaming the other person or if there is a deeper issue that needs to be addressed. Then, ask yourself what you need to do to reclaim your power and create a healthy connection.

It’s also helpful to understand why you are feeling stuck in the first place. There are many reasons why you may be stuck, including:

If you are feeling stuck on a project or in a career, try refocusing your thoughts to the least desirable aspects of your situation. This will help to reframe the problem and give you more workable space to make progress. For instance, if you are stuck on writing your book, try thinking about the parts of it that are enjoyable to you or, if you are stuck in a boring part of the project, think about what you could do to get re-inspired.

When you are feeling stuck, it is often because two opposing forces are pulling you in different directions. This is a natural part of the creative process and it can help you find a solution that serves the highest good. Trust that when you release the fear of being stuck, the universe will open the doors to your next chapter in the most beautiful and unexpected ways. If you are ready to release your fears and learn to access the stillness within, join Martha for Day 5 of her Listen to Your Heart journal series on The Beyond Anxiety Hub. This is where you will discover how inner conflicts are keeping you from making changes that would light up your heart like the Griswold’s house at Christmas!