How to Get Unstuck

If you’re feeling stuck, know that this is a normal part of the creative process. The “stuck” experience is a portal between chapters in your life. It’s important to embrace it and trust that the next chapter will be better than this one.

Often, when we feel stuck it is because of self-limiting beliefs that we have bought into. These limiting beliefs can have us feeling trapped, helpless or even claustrophobic in the present moment. The key to getting unstuck is to identify the limiting belief and then challenge it. Then, a new possibility will emerge and you’ll be free to move forward.

Feeling stuck can be triggered by many different things, from a big project or deadline to an unexpected event or relationship. Sometimes it’s just a shift in our needs or desires, but other times it can be rooted in a fear that we’re not good enough, that we won’t succeed or that we will be let down by others. The goal is to get past these limiting beliefs so you can make space for what you truly want.

Stuck is also a time to reflect on what you do and don’t value in your life. Is it a job that no longer fulfills you, a family member who has gotten out of control or an addiction? Take the time to get clear on what is important in your life and create a vision for how you’d like your life to look.

Sometimes when we feel stuck, it’s because we have too much on our plates. If you find yourself running around or frantically trying to accomplish everything on your to-do list, it’s time to cut back and focus on what really matters.

Consider how you can add meaningful activities to your day and remove those that are stealing your joy. It’s also a great idea to take a closer look at your schedule and see how you can reduce the amount of hustle and hurry in your life. Research has shown that a slower pace is linked to more happiness.

When you start to foster a more positive mental state and break negative patterns, you will be able to access stillness. This is where the magic happens! Bad physiology reinforces negative feelings, so a shift in physiology can be the trigger you need to break out of your rut. It could be as simple as changing your posture or going for a jog to get your body moving. Then you can create a vision for your future that ignites your inner passion. You’ll be able to push through your stuck and realize that tremendous progress is on the other side!