How to Get Out of Writer’s Block


Stopped, frozen, entangled, and stranded are all synonyms for “stuck.” These words mean that something or someone cannot move or is in an unmovable position. Stick also refers to indecision and a state of being unable to make a decision. The verb stick has a long history, going back to the Old English word stician, which means “to pierce or fasten.”

It’s important to remember that writer’s block is normal, even for seasoned authors. Try handwriting a new sentence, or writing with fun materials. Another helpful strategy is to take a break from writing and refocus. Don’t try to force ideas, either; allow your mind to be clear. You’ll be surprised at the amount of stuck points you have at one time. Try not to beat yourself up too much about it.

When a traumatic event occurs, it’s normal to feel stuck points are often the result. These are difficult emotions to face and can result in increased levels of anxiety and low self-esteem. Avoiding help or coping strategies can lead to increased feelings of helplessness, depression, or hopelessness. Instead, work through the stuck points by thinking and reflecting on what you’re feeling and how you’d like to feel. Once you’ve got a sense of what’s stuck, it’s time to act on it.