How Love Affects Your Life

When it comes to love, there is no shortage of emotions and opinions. Some believe it’s a primary emotion like happiness or anger while others say it is a complex feeling that derives from a mix of other emotions. Either way, there is no denying that love can be an intense and sometimes unsettling experience. It can also be rewarding and life-changing. Whether you’re in a romantic relationship or just loving your family, friends, and pets, the experiences of love can have profound effects on your life for years to come.

When you’re in love, your brain becomes more receptive to certain stimuli. This is why you see things through your partner’s eyes and find their quirks endearing. Your brain is also producing an influx of the “feel good” chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine. These hormones cause your heart rate to increase, and they also give you a sense of euphoria.

These feelings are why you want to spend time with the person you love, and they’re also why you may feel a rush of affection when you look at them. During this stage, you’re probably infatuated with your partner and think about them nonstop. You may even dream about them or daydream about what it will be like to be together.

As your relationship progresses, the giddy feelings of love can change into more of a steady commitment. This shift is fueled by a drop in the release of these hormones as well as the emergence of two new ones, oxytocin and vasopressin. These hormones make you feel a desire to care for your partner and help them in any way that you can.

This may also explain why so many people say that they are in love when they can’t stop thinking about someone or miss them even if they haven’t seen each other for a while. But this type of love is a little more complicated than the love you have for a close friend or relative. It requires a lot more work—like making sure to get a good night’s sleep or showing up at doctor’s appointments even when you don’t want to.

Love may not always be easy, but it is certainly worth it in the long run. And while there will be days, weeks, or maybe even longer when you don’t feel all mushy-gushy in love, that’s okay too. Remember that the truest test of a true love is not how much you care for someone or how often you think about them but rather how they make you feel. And when that person makes your heart flutter, stick with it. You’ll be glad you did.