Feeling Stuck? Here’s How to Get Past It


Feeling stuck is a nearly universal human experience. Whether it’s in a relationship, job, creative pursuit or simply identifying the next goal, falling into a rut is a common place to find ourselves. And while feeling stuck can be challenging, it’s important to remember that negative thoughts don’t hold all the cards. With a little awareness and effort, you can change your mindset to feel unstoppable.

Like getting food stuck in your throat or esophagus, being emotionally and mentally stuck is uncomfortable and often frustrating. It’s not the same as choking, but it feels just as bad and is just as likely to keep you from moving forward. It’s a feeling of being trapped, like you’re on the edge of something big, but you don’t have a clear path to get there.

Sometimes, you may even have the sensation that there is nothing stuck in your throat or chest (also known as globus pharyngeus), which can be very unpleasant and is similar to a hungover hangover. While this is less dangerous than having a food stuck in your throat, it’s still pretty uncomfortable and can lead to irritated and swollen linings of the throat and esophagus. Coughing can also cause more irritation and make the problem worse, a vicious circle that you can only break by swallowing or eating food.

It can be easy to fall into a rut and stay there for months or even years, leading to a sense of being stuck in life. This can lead to feelings of apathy, inertia and a lack of motivation. It can also manifest in your physical body, causing you to feel fatigued, have trouble concentrating, or struggle with brain fog and a general sense of being unwell.

Taking a step back from your problem and identifying what is driving it can help you to move past it. Then you can decide if you need to start fresh or try to make some changes within your existing situation. If you need to start fresh, you can use strategies such as the Pomodoro Technique whereby you commit to spend a short time (around 25 minutes) working uninterrupted. This will help you get in the habit of working through your problems without feeling overwhelmed by them.

Identifying your problem and making a plan is essential. You can use a goal board to visualize your desired outcome or create an affirmation that you will work through it. Affirmations can be as simple or as complex as you want them to be – the key is to create an affirmation that resonates with you and supports your positive intentions. Changing your physiology (movement) can also be beneficial, as great physiology reinforces positive feelings and breaks down negative patterns. It could be as simple as standing up straighter or going for a jog to loosen up.