Do I Really Love My Partner? Discover the Difference Between a Long Term Relationship and Love


Do I Really Love My Partner? Discover the Difference Between a Long Term Relationship and Love

What is love? Simply put, true love is an unconditional, unwavering and unparalleled affection and devotion for the one you love. It is also defined as a deep emotional and physical connection with them that flows immeasurably deep within you and lasts through time, and life without your special someone would be virtually impossible. True love compels you to give without expecting anything in return, it inspires you to reach out and touch the world around you, it strengthens your marriage and holds your heart open to love from another person.

The emotional, psychological and physical components of romantic love are deeply intertwined in our brains. In fact, the experience of love is processed in different ways in different parts of the brain depending on our experiences and priorities when we are in love. Not surprisingly, the brain has different areas of processing information, not just for emotions, but also for lust, friendship, affection and romance.

Not surprisingly, the physical and emotional components of affection are most easily accessed by the limbic system, which is primarily based in the cerebral cortex. The limbic system generates the basic feelings associated with romantic love: pleasure, affiliation, energy, even euphoria. However, the cognitive system only accesses these emotions when they are directed at someone else or when they occur naturally – such as falling in love when you kiss your lover good night. This means the cognitive memory system is less efficient than the limbic system when it comes to generating positive emotions during intimate moments.

Passion and intensity are experienced differently in the different emotional states. When experiencing intense passion in romance with another person, the “feelings” you are feeling are entirely different from those felt when sharing the experience of affection. You may feel an intense desire to connect with them as you hug them and kiss them. You may also be flooded with feelings of pleasure and excitement. Conversely, when you are in a state of romantic love with another person, the “feelings” you are having will be totally different.

Of course, when it comes to experiencing feelings of romance with another person, one should always remember that the feelings are intended for a positive emotional reaction. In other words, do not make the mistake of thinking the “feelings” you are feeling are negative. As mentioned above, the “feelings” you are having are intended for a positive emotional response, such as increased passion and intimacy. However, if you take them for granted, this can lead to poor relationships and a low sense of well-being.

If you are not currently in a committed romantic relationship, it is important to work on developing your love style so that you are well-informed about the differences between being in a dating relationship versus being in a long-term intimate relationship. A positive love style is essential to a healthy and mutually satisfying relationship. By developing your own unique love style, you will not only learn more about your partner and become a better lover, but you will have a deeper connection and a deeper understanding of yourself. As you work on these skills, your relationship will grow into a loving, emotionally strong relationship. Your partner will feel like he or she is truly in love!