Dealing With a Crush

A crush is an intense infatuation with someone that you can’t help but think about all the time. Whether it’s the boy in your chemistry class, the girl who works at your favorite coffee shop or the guy who sits behind you in your history class, your mind can’t stop racing when you’re around them. Your heart beats faster, your palms get sweaty and you may start to speak in a whisper just to avoid causing any embarrassment.

Though a crush can be hard to control, it’s completely normal to develop feelings for someone you barely know. A crush can even hit you while you’re already in a relationship, though it’s less common. And, despite being triggered by raging teenage hormones, the way you act towards your crush is entirely up to you.

So, if you’re having a crush on someone and they’re a good friend, there’s no need to worry about it being toxic. In fact, a healthy friendship with your crush can be a big boost to your confidence. But, if you’re feeling like your crush is taking over your life, it might be time to do some damage control.

There are a few ways to deal with a crush, but the first step is always to take a deep breath. Getting your heart rate down is important for calming down, so try to do whatever you can, from drinking water to listening to a soothing song, to slow down that heartbeat drumming against your ribcage.

Once you’re calm, it’s time to figure out how to approach your crush. It’s a good idea to meet them somewhere public, so you don’t feel self conscious. Then, try to make small talk and get to know them a little bit. If you’re nervous about talking to them, practice in front of a mirror or with a close friend first.

Depending on how your crush responds, you might start to tease them, or even flirt with them. This is a great way to test the waters, but don’t be too aggressive or it might scare them off.

If they seem interested in you, it’s probably time to let your crush know that you have feelings for them too. It can be nerve-wracking, but it’s definitely worth it if you’re both happy. Just remember that, if they’re the one for you, they will probably be flattered by your honesty.

To crush something means to press it with enough force so that it breaks into pieces or loses its shape. You can crush a can to empty it or crush the leaves under your feet to trample them. It can also be a verb meaning to overwhelm or subdue, as when a military dictator crushes the uprising of his people.

Crush is a likable movie with a refreshingly diverse cast and sunny cinematography, but its world feels a little too superficial to be fully convincing. While the actors are all very talented and the film does make some solid points, it would have been more impactful if it was a bit more brave.