What is a Crush?

A crush is a feeling of deep, unrequited attraction for someone. Typically, the person is someone that we see frequently or have some connection to – a coworker, friend, classmate, or acquaintance. When we have a crush, we start to imagine the best version of them and fantasize about our future with them. Having a crush is a normal and common human experience that can occur at any age.

It is also important to note that having a crush does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with your current relationship or that you want to break up. In fact, it is quite common to have a crush while in a committed relationship. Having a crush can actually provide an opportunity for us to evaluate what is missing in our current relationship.

Whether you are looking for a romantic relationship, a new BFF, or even a business collaboration, it is important to take a step back and ask yourself if the person you have a crush on is someone that can meet your current needs. If the answer is no, it is a good idea to seek out closure and decide how you would like your relationship with this person to proceed.

A crush can be a powerful emotional experience that can lead to feelings of euphoria, anxiety, and fear. It can be difficult to manage because it is so intense and unpredictable. It is also hard to know how much you should disclose about your crush and what the right balance is between being open about your feelings and protecting yourself from getting hurt.

In a study that was published in the journal Personal Relationships, researchers looked at how people handle crushes while in committed relationships. They found that while most individuals reported that they did not expect their crush to develop intimately, many were still content to maintain friendly or flirtatious interactions with their crush targets and to continue to privately fantasize about sexual or romantic involvement with them. It is also possible that these individuals may have been using their crush as a way to compensate for dissatisfaction in their primary relationships.

Ultimately, crushes are a natural outpouring of our own inherent desire for love and social connection. However, they can cause a lot of confusion and turmoil if they are not managed properly. If you are in a relationship or almost-ship, be sure to find clarity about your crush and their intentions before reaching out – it could save you heartache down the line! Alternatively, you can take a few steps to avoid this drama altogether by finding some alone time and doing the things you enjoy. Hopefully, this will help you feel more in control of your emotions and make it easier to get through the crush stage.