4 Ways to Get Unstuck

Feeling stuck can be one of the most frustrating experiences, but it’s also a sign that you’re at a pivotal point in your life. Whether it’s in your career, personal life or in your health, this time is a time to close one chapter and open another. Here are some of the best ways to get unstuck and move forward.

Validate Your Feelings

If you’re feeling stuck, it can be easy to get caught up in your feelings and let them control you. However, this is not the most effective way to change your situation because it will only lead to more frustration and self-blame. Instead, try to take a step back from your emotions and focus on the facts of the situation. You may find that once you do this, it’s much easier to figure out a way forward.

Become an Expert in Your Own Stuckness

If your stuck is related to a specific project or area of your life, it’s important to understand the reasons you’re stuck. This will help you overcome the problem and get unstuck by finding a solution that works for you. To start, consider all the factors that are contributing to your stuckness and take a look at your current habits and routines. Perhaps you’re feeling burnt out, or you’re spending too much time doing things that aren’t helping you reach your goals. If so, it’s time to cut out some of the less productive activities and focus on your priorities.

Practice Stillness

Getting a handle on your feelings and emotions will help you get unstuck, but it’s also crucial to spend time each day accessing your inner calm. This is the best way to stop the mental whirlwind that can occur when you’re stuck, and it will enable you to be more productive in your daily tasks.

Try to do something as simple as sitting in silence for five minutes or taking a deep breath, which will give you the space you need to refocus and unstick yourself. You can also do activities that require right-brain thinking, such as meditating, writing with your hands or even just doodling to rev up your creativity.

Finally, you should also focus on changing your physiology. Bad physiology will reinforce your negative feelings, so you need to do things that promote great physiology, such as exercising, stretching or going for a walk.