Whether you’re in an unfulfilling job, in a relationship that doesn’t make sense to you, or unsure about the direction you want to take your life, it’s not uncommon for people to feel stuck at some point. This feeling can eat away at your motivation and cause you to lose the desire to move forward.
Despite the fact that this is such a common experience, it’s important to remember that there are ways you can break free from your stuckness. By making small changes that can improve your mental and physical health, you can start regaining your sense of purpose.
1. Create a Vision Board
One of the most effective ways to get unstuck is to reflect on what matters to you and what you’re working towards. Creating a visual representation of what you want in your life can help you develop a clearer sense of where you’re headed, and it’s also a great way to distract yourself from negative thoughts about your current situation.
2. Talk to a Friend
Reaching out to a loved one, or a friend who’s going through something similar, can be an effective strategy for breaking free from your feelings of isolation and helplessness. They may be able to offer you advice or support that could help you find a new path for your life.
3. Write down a Plan of Action
A simple, yet powerful, strategy for getting free from your feelings of stalemate is to set up a plan of action. By writing down a specific, time-bound plan of action for the next week, you can focus your mind and body on what needs to be done.
4. Pick a Project You’re Passionate About
For most people, their favorite activities are the ones they’ve dedicated a lot of time and energy to. Choosing a project you’re passionate about, and committing to it over a long period of time, will help to get you out of your stuckness.
5. Try the Pomodoro Technique
If you’re a fan of the Pomodoro method, try it out on a project that has been making you feel stuck. Set a timer and commit to working on the project uninterrupted for 25 minutes each day.
6. Work with a Coach
If your work has been bringing you down, consider seeking professional guidance to help you find new perspectives on your situation. A coach can help you understand your goals and priorities, as well as provide you with a plan to get you back on track.
7. Ask for a Reset
Sometimes, it’s helpful to step back and take a moment to think about your goals and the progress you’ve made thus far. Then, use this time to reset and refocus.
8. Have a Chat with a Colleague You Trust
If you’ve been feeling stuck in your career, you might need to speak to a coworker or boss who can offer some support. Maybe they can give you a perspective from within the organization that might be able to help you see your options differently or identify the next steps that need to be taken.